How to Use Your Pendulum to Pick Out a Pet

A pet can bring much comfort, love, and joy into our lives. They accept us for who we truly are, flaws and all. I have a sweet little dog who sleeps on my feet while I work (not "at" my feet - literally "on" them) . I call him my "pendulum puppy" - partly because he helps me make pendulums, but also because he was actually selected with my pendulum. I've had other pets before, but this little guy is the most lovable dog ever and a perfect match for me and my family.

For this task, you'll need a pendulum that's programmed for yes/no answers and photos of the pets you are considering. These can be just quick print-outs, one photo per pet, per sheet of paper. If this is the early stage of your pet selecting, the photos that you use may just be of the various breed candidates. Later, when you have actual animals to choose from, you can repeat the process using photos of the actual animals you're considering.

By the way, there's a reason to use photos instead of the actual animals. Assuming you are even able to get a puppy or kitten to keep still for more than a 30 seconds, holding your pendulum over it will give you a reading of the animal's energy, or possibly even its polarity - but not necessarily whether this is "the one". By using photos you'll be able to take a step back and be objective - something that will matter very much in the long run.

Before beginning, be sure you state the source for your pendulum's answers.

To begin - Lay out all your potential pet photos face up on a flat surface. Hold your pendulum above the first one one and ask "Will this puppy (or dog, cat, kitten, bird, etc.) be a good fit for this household?" Do this for each photo. Set the photos that get "No" answers off to the side in a reject pile. Do the same with the "Maybe" photos. With the remaining "Yes" photos laid out in front of you, repeat the process, but this time ask, "Of the choices in front of me, will this puppy (or dog, cat, kitten, bird, etc.) be the best pet for me and for my family?" Feel free to tailor the questions to match your specific concerns. You may want to ask if the pet will be gentle with kids or grandkids, will it be a good travel companion, etc.

Record your results on a separate piece of paper - noting which ones were "no", which were "yes", and which ones were "maybe". Now recombine all of the photos, including the rejects and maybes, back into one pile and mix them up. This time, lay them out face down. Laying them face down will keep you from trying to predict the outcome since you can't see which is which. Repeat the questions you asked the first time and do the same sorting into yes, no, and maybe. Even though you couldn't see the photos, you may be surprised to discover that your pendulum could. Are the "No's" still No's and the "Yes's" still Yes's? What happened with the Maybe's? Did they change into a yes or a no?

If there is no clear winner, you may not have found the right pet yet. When I did this selection process, it took three batches of photos to find my little foot warmer. It was well worth the effort.

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