Gerber Daisies - Photo by Eva Browning
May 03, 2020

Move - no wait, don't move. Bloom where you're planted.

Ask Your Pendulum has been on hiatus since the first of the year. During our absence, as you all know, a lot has happened in the world.

Back in January, when life was still relatively normal, I had put the AYP site on pause so I could focus on finishing up a year-long project that would, in theory, result in a new line of products and a new sister-website to AYP. Things were going well until mid-January when a new wrinkle emerged. My husband and I had decided last year that when he retires (which he's now done), we'd move to a different city and get a smaller house with a bigger studio for AYP. So, out of necessity, plan A (launching the new product line/website) gave way to plan B (moving) and I reluctantly began the process of sorting, packing, and labeling what felt like a million parts and pieces of my soul. It seemed this would take forever, but by mid-March, it was finally done. (Yay I finished something!)

And just like that, with all of AYP boxed up and ready to move, Washington state's governor issued a "Shelter in Place" order - essentially turning plan B into dust.


I know that this terrible pandemic has caused everyone to change their plans - big and small. People are enduring hardships that are far, far worse than my aborted relocation effort. Truly, my heart aches for the terrible suffering that COVID-19 has wrought on those who have lost loved ones and livelihoods.

I also know that I am fortunate in that I've only had to unpack some boxes and re-imagine my future. I feel especially grateful because I've been working from home for the last 16 years, so this new work-from-home model was already my normal - well almost. Sheltering in place indefinitely was never going to work for me unless I could be creative while doing it, so I knew I would have to dig deep - literally (which box are my paint brushes in?), as well as emotionally and spiritually.

I asked my pendulum for guidance and I read the Tarot. A lot. The messages that kept coming back all pointed me in the direction of my mother's wise words to "bloom where you're planted". This sage advice has helped me through other hard times in my life and it's helped me this time too. With the guidance of my pendulum and support of my family, I've decided to do just that and "bloom".

It's taken over a month, but AYP's now mostly unpacked, reoriented and refocused. Today I'm relaunching the AYP website from the same studio that I've been working in from the very beginning, though this is something of a fresh start. In many ways, the experience over last four months has felt like a rigorous game of musical chairs and I believe, with all my heart, that I am extremely fortunate to have this special chair to land on. Gratitude is my savior in this and in all things.

In the coming weeks I'll be revisiting AYP's pendulum design selection, which is very limited at the moment due to the moving/not moving and packing/unpacking thing. I will be adding more designs as I'm able. Whilst working all this out in my brain, I've made several One-of-a-Kind pendulums that I'll be photographing for the website in the upcoming weeks. I've added, and as I'm able, I'll also be adding more of the new "Chakra Blossom" products to the website.

Thank you so much for your continued support!

Joyful Blessings,
Eva Browning, pendulum artist & owner of Knowing the Soul LLC