How to Use Your Pendulum to Make Design Choices

When creating an environment, making good design choices can be very important to how that space ultimately makes us feel, think, and respond when we're in it. A pendulum is an excellent tool to help make these choices.

For this task, you'll need a pendulum that is programmed for yes/no answers. Click here for instructions on programming your pendulum.

To select a paint color, hold your pendulum over a paint swatch or paint container and one-by-one, ask "Is this the best wall color for (name of the space you're working on, such as my living room or my upstairs den)?" Do this for each one until you get a positive result.

You can use the same method for selecting fabrics, wallpapers, furniture, room layouts, floor treatments, prints or paintings, accessories, and even application tools and techniques. For items or choices too large or not in your possession, you can use photographs as proxies.

Be sure to phrase each question so that it's as specific as possible. If you have a goal in mind when designing a space, include that in the question. For example, "Is this the most soothing wall treatment for my meditation corner?" or "Does this table placement provide a welcoming vibe to this room?"

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