3. Solar Plexus Chakra - the Power Center

Translation: "Lustrous Gem"
Location: Solar Plexus
Color: Yellow (also Gold)
Vibrational Sound: “RUM”
Musical Scale Note: E
Element: Fire
Right(s): To Act
Affirmation: “I am fearless.”
The Sanskrit name for this chakra is "Manipura" (pronounced “manee-pour-uh”. It's associated with vitality, self-esteem, confidence, self-control, responsibility, reliability, will, personal power, courage, honor, pride, autonomy, purpose, spontaneity, sense of humor, and playfulness.
Gemstones that resonate with and are used to activate and/or balance this chakra are Golden Tiger's Eye, Citrine, Amber, Yellow Jasper, Golden Jade.
See our Chakras page for information about all seven chakras.
Affirmations for Chakra Three
- I am a confident and courageous person.
- I am connected to fire. The flame within my core burns bright and lights my soul with robust warmth and joy.
- I stand up for myself.
- I stand up for what I believe.
- I am powerful.
- I am optimistic.
- I am capable and responsible.
- I am centered.
- I am true to myself, inside and out.
- I am free to act, choose, grow, and heal.
- I accomplish what I set out to do.
- I am worthy of happiness and success.
- Laughing and playing fill me with joy.
- My energy resonates with confidence, purpose, self-respect, warmth, joy, authenticity, and abundance.