4. Heart Chakra, the Relationship Center

Sanskrit name: Anahata
Translation: "Unstruck"
Location: Center of chest
Color: Green (also Pink)
Vibrational Sound: “YUM”
Musical Scale Note: F
Element: Air
Righ(s): To Love, Be Loved
Affirmation: “I am forgiving.”
The Sanskrit name for this chakra is "Anahata" (pronounced “a-nahh-hut-tuh”). It's associated with compassion, love, gratitude, forgiveness, self-love, self-acceptance, intimacy, empathy, relationships, devotion, generosity, and altruism.
Gemstones that resonate with and are used to activate and/or balance this chakra are Malachite, Green Aventurine, Emerald, Green Jade, Peridot, Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, and Rhodonite.
See our Chakras page for information about all seven chakras.
Affirmations for Chakra Four
- I am loved.
- I am connected to air. My energy soars like an eagle. With every breath I take, I fly higher and higher through a sky filled with love.
- I accept and love myself completely, as I am.
- I am kind to myself and to others.
- I am filled with gratitude.
- I’m not afraid to reach out and connect to others with an open heart.
- I forgive myself and others.
- The love around and within me is limitless.
- I act with generosity and compassion.
- I am a channel for divine love.
- I am connected to my true essence.
- My energy resonates with love, gratitude, forgiveness, empathy, and generosity.