5. Throat Chakra - the Communication Center

Sanskrit name: Vishuddha
Translation: “Purification”
Location: Throat
Color: Blue (also Light Blue)
Vibrational Sound: “HAM”
Musical Scale Note: G
Element: Sound
Right(s): To Speak, Be Heard
Affirmation: “I am honest.”
The Sanskrit name for this chakra is "Vishuddha" (pronounced “vee-shoo-duh”). It's associated with communication, honesty, seeking and speaking the truth, self-expression, personal integrity, listening, rhythm, timing, and creative expression.
Gemstones that resonate with and are used to activate and/or balance this chakra are Angelite, Aquamarine, Turquoise, Blue Lace Agate, and Amazonite.
See our Chakras page for information about all seven chakras.
Affirmations for Chakra Five
- I seek the truth.
- I speak the truth.
- I am connected to sound.
- The world around me is like a symphony - exhilarating or soothing, it lifts my soul with nourishing rhythms and melodies.
- I express my thoughts and feelings with conviction.
- I speak from my heart.
- I am heard.
- I am a good listener.
- I allow the world to see, hear, and know the real me.
- I act with integrity.
- I live and breathe an authentic life.
- I nurture my soul with creative expression.
- My energy resonates with sincerity, honesty, integrity, and honor.