Printable Yes/No Pendulum Chart - (Digital Download)

This product is available for purchase at our Etsy shop.

This chart is available at our Etsy Shop.

Life presents a constant stream of choices, from monumental crossroads that shape our destinies to the seemingly trivial “should I or shouldn’t I?” moments that pepper our everyday routines. This all-purpose yes/no pendulum chart offers a powerful tool to help you tap into your inner wisdom and make good choices. You can also use this chart in conjunction with other pendulum charts to verify or confirm your readings. 

Use to answer Yes/No questions easily with no pendulum programming, created by Ask Your Pendulum®. This chart is a digital pdf file that you download and then print out on your own printer to use with a pendulum. Note: The purchased version of this chart does not have the copyright watermark on it. Updated instructions for use are included in the download.

How to Use

  1. Clear your mind of expectations and predictions.
  2. Place the chart on a flat surface, such as a table, in front of you. If possible, sit up straight and put both feet flat on the floor.
  3. Decide on the question to ask. Make sure to phrase your question so that it can be answered by a simple “yes” or “no”.
  4. Grasp the top bead or fob of your pendulum between your thumb and forefinger and arch your wrist slightly. Hold your pendulum so that it dangles about 1/2 inch above the hinge-point (the white dot at the center of the chart). Steady your elbow on the table, but not your hand that holds the pendulum. Try to hold very still, but don’t worry if your hand shakes a little bit. This won’t affect the outcome. 
  5. Ask your question. Keeping your elbow and grip in the same position, allow the pendulum as much time as it needs to pick a direction.
  6. Observe the pattern of the pendulum’s movement. When it’s ready to answer and as it gains momentum, the pendulum’s motion will take shape and show a repeating pattern:
    - A steady straight-line  swing that passes over the hinge point and tracing the path for “Yes”,  indicates a “Yes” answer.
    - A steady, straight line swing that passes over the hinge point, tracing the path for “No”,  indicates a “No” answer.
    - If the pendulum’s swing is not a straight, through-the-hinge-point swing, but instead, a circular, clock-wise motion, it’s indicating that clarification of your question is needed, so rephrase it and try again. 
    - If your pendulum swings in a counter-clockwise motion, it is indicating that now is not the time to ask.
  7. Clear the pendulum at the end of each question by touching its weight-stone to the palm of your free hand or another surface.

Click here for tips and more information about use pendulum charts.