Expand your skills with Pendulum Charts
View AllOur pendulum charts are available at our Etsy shop. Click here to visit.
Pendulum charts expand the power of your pendulum far beyond the simple yes/no/maybe question method. Pendulum charts are considered an "advanced" pendulum skill, but don't let that discourage you. Just because it's advanced, doesn't mean it's hard to learn. For more information about using charts, visit our "How to Use Pendulum Charts" page.
$18.99 USD
Ways to Use Your Pendulum
There are many ways to use your pendulum. Answering yes/no questions (#1 below) is the most basic of all of them, but there are other powerful uses for your pendulum.
Here's a list of just some of the ways to use your pendulum:
- Answer yes/no questions
- Using Charts
- Read the Tarot using a chart (instead of Tarot cards)
- Check your polarity
- Detect presence unwanted or negative energies
- Understand synchronistic events
- Predict gender of an unborn baby
- Find your car keys (or other misplaced items)
- Check the status of your chakras
- Select chakra energy stones or other small objects using a rainbow arch
- Discover your guides - unavailable at this time
- Make multiple choice decisions using a chart
- Pick out a pet
- Enhance your intuition in all areas (not just dowsing)
- Identify your resonant color
- Gauge potency of vitamins, etc
- Check the validity of advice
- Determine trustworthiness
- Make design choices
- Select a location using a map
- Cleanse divination cards
- Share joy and spread light
Happy dowsing!